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Resurrection Bush Tea (Mufandichimuka)

Resurrection tea is made from the dried leaves and twigs of the Resurrection bush, scientifically known as Myrothamnus flabellifolia. The plant is a woody-looking shrub that is native to Zimbabwe. On a normal day, the plant looks like a bunch of short, dry twigs with reddish stems. It is called resurrection bush for the speed with which its apparently dead leaves revive when the rains come. In fact, it believed that if one dropped a few dry sticks in water they would turn green within a couple of hours. 


Health benefits:

Resurrection bush tea is a rich source of phenolic compounds which act as antioxidants and strong inhibitors of the oxidative stress arising from exhaustion and other body reactions like phospholipid peroxidation (a leading factor in premature aging). It also contains arbutin, a potent antiseptic known to help clear age spots, scars, and hyperpigmentation safely. This makes it great for maintaining young and healthy-looking skin.


Traditional uses:


Resurrection bush tea is popular among local herbalists in Zimbabwe. Traditionally, it is used in the treatment of: 

  • colds
  • flu
  • inflammation
  • headaches
  • backaches 
  • bad breath



This tea is not recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Also if you have any underlying medical condition or are on any medication, check with your physician first before consuming this tea. 


While this herbal tea has a host of benefits, it is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Always speak to your physician if you are feeling unwell for a proper diagnosis. 

Resurrection Bush Tea (Mufandichimuka)

SKU: 0010
  • Brewing Instructions:

    Add 1 teabag per cup of boiling water and brew for 5 to 8 minutes.

    • Can be enjoyed as a hot beverage. 
    • Can be cooled and enjoyed as an ice tea.


    • caffeine free.
    • helps ease headaches, backaches, and other pains.
    • helps fight flu and the common cold.
    • helps relieve inflamation.
    • helps prevent muscle cramping which makes it handy for active people.
    • energy booster for with fatigue and low energy.
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