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Freshpak Rooibos

Rooibos tea is a herbal tea native to South Africa. It’s sometimes also called red tea or red bush tea.  Rooibos tea is produced from the leaves of the Rooibos plant, scientifically known as Aspalathus linearis. It is a broom-like plant that grows in South Africa's fynbos. The bushes, once harvested, are dried by the African sun to create a tea distinguished by its russet colour, bright clarity, its warm aromatic fragrance and full, brisk flavour.


Rooibos tea contains a variety of minerals, including calcium and fluoride, plus alpha hydroxy acid. It’s also high in many flavonoid antioxidants, such as aspalathin and nothofagin. Because of these compounds, research suggests that health benefits of rooibos tea range from supporting healthy bones to promoting weight loss.



  • Packed with Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties - helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and inflammation.
  • Can help improve heart health - Rooibos tea contains chrysoeriol and other flavonoids that may have positive cardiovascular effects, such as by helping to decrease blood pressure and improving blood circulation.
  • Supports strong bones - contains many minerals that support the growth of healthy bones, including manganese, calcium and fluoride.
  • Helps with weight loss - Polyphenols and antioxidants found in Rooibos promote weight loss.

Freshpak Rooibos

SKU: 0013
  • Brewing Instructions:

    Add one tea bag in a cup of hot water and brew for 8 to 10 minutes.

    Drink half to one hour prior to sleep.

    • Can be enjoyed as a hot beverage with honey and milk.


    • Caffeine free;
    • Packed with anti-inflamatory and antioxidant properties;
    • Aids in digestion;
    • Supports strong bones;
    • Supports weight loss; 
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