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Moringa Tea

Moringa tea is made from the leaves of the Moringa oleifera plant.. The moringa tree is native to tropical areas throughout Southeast Asia and grows in the wild in parts of Africa, Central America, and Oceania.


Moringa tea gets its nutrients from the dried moringa leaves, which may be abundant in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, C, and D. The tea may also have high levels of essential amino acids, antioxidants such as beta-carotene, polyphenols, and flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercetin.



  • Packed with antioxidants - Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body and prevent the onset of oxidative stress. 
  • Has anti-inflamatory properties - Moringa tea contain inflammation-fighting agents known as isothiocyanates. Chronic inflammation can terribly affect one's quality of life with issues such as chronic pain, high blood pressure and higher risk of stroke.
  • May aid in weight loss - It is is thought to help boost metabolism, burn calories, balance sugar levels, and increase energy levels.

  • May aid in digestion - The antibacterial effects of moringa tea might help rebalance intestinal flora so that your gut works more efficiently, while eliminating excess gas, cramping, and bloating.

  • May relieve menstrual cramps - Moringa tea is thought to help alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, bloating, mood swings, and migraines during the menstruation cycle, according to folk medicine practice. The juice of the leaves has analgesic properties and can relieve pain.

Moringa Tea

SKU: 0009
  • Brewing Instructions:

    Add one tea bag in a cup of hot water and brew for 8 to 10 minutes.

    • Can be enjoyed as a hot beverage with honey.


    • Caffein free.
    • Contains anti-oxidants that helps the body fight free radicals and improve digestion.
    • Helps relieve inflamation in the body.
    • May help ease menstural cramps and pain.
    • May help with weight loss.
    • May help improve sex drive.
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